Before the Stella Cinema has it's amazing facelift, it had this beautiful, stuck in the past facade. The old Stella Cinema was built in 1923 and was a cinema your nanny and granda would remember going to in their youth. It has large letters, a stand out front for the cinema titles, like you would see in an american theatre, and would once light up.
It has now been revamped to this blast from the past 1920's style theatre, inside and out.
I decided to do a piece of the old Stella cinema before it got its facelift as an homage to the past and to keep the old building alive. And then when the new one opened decided that it would be nice to create that too as a comparison but also because it’s so beautiful, magical and it creates this experience that you’ll remember forever.
the old facade of the Stella Cinema
We went to the new Stella Theatre to see Star Wars and it did not disappoint (both the movie and the theatre). The entrance was beautifully tiled with an ‘S’ right in the middle of the main hallway floor, which lead onto the 1920’s style bar. A real popcorn machine caught my eye which is amazing to see, rather than the premade bags of popcorn they load in, in other cinemas.
The other amazing part is that you can order hot food and they’ll bring it down to you as you’re watching the film (unreal) and amazing alcoholic drinks. When we got to our seats, we had an armchair each with a table in the middle, and a footstool for your feet!!
The whole experience is one to remember and I couldn’t help being reminded of the scene in ‘Annie’ when she’s whisked to the cinema and shown to her seat. It was one of those magical moments.
The new Stella Theatre
Jess :)