I'm a big lover of breakfast and brunch, or anything snack like really. But my main obsession at the minute is making some homemade granola and having it with natural greek yoghurt, raspberries and honey. I mainly started making granola myself as there was always something in the ones you can buy in the shops that I didn't want to eat, such as dried strawberries (Bleh!) or hazelnuts (not a fan!) So I wanted to share the recipe for the granola I make at home. This is also a recipe where you can add whatever you want to as well, e.g. more seeds, less seeds, dried fruit, etc. This mix will fill a medium Ikea jar.
So here's what you'll need:
3 cups large porridge oats
A handful of almonds (pop them in a sambo bag and beat them, saves time on chopping)
3 tablespoons of honey
Some butter
Any extra ingredient you'd like to add
Let's get started:
Add oats and almonds, and rest of dry ingredients to a bowl and mix.
Add your honey and mix altogether.
Add a bit of butter to a pan on a high heat.
Add granola mix and continuously mix with a wooden spoon.
(May need to do 2 batches depending on size of pan)
Mix in pan for 5-7 minutes until mix is golden brown.
Add to an air tight jar (I used this Ikea one), leave jar open until mix is cool.
Mix will store for 1-2 weeks (if you can even leave it that long).
Jess x